Well, against all of my pleading, attmepts at bribery, foribiding, and even threats, Maddie turned 13 this morning. I have been telling her that if she didnt turn back time and return to being 8 years old that she would be in some serious trouble. But, in true rebelious teenage style, and she DOES have style, she flat out disobeyed my command and went right ahead into becoming a teenager. Oh well.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY SWEETHEART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The photos are of the cupcakes that Jess and I made her last night and of her taking them into school this morning.
Seriously though, I am so lucky to have Maddie as a daughter. For someone turning 13, she is really unbelievable, which is hopefully what this blog thing will show everyone else. Its too hard to put how great she is into a quick sentence or meeting. People ask, "How's Maddie?" and I'll just tell them, "She's good." and then some little bit of info from her recent adventures or some smart ass remark about being scared that she is going to be a teenager soon. But honestly, it would take me a FULL DAY with that person, doing nothing but sitting on a couch and going through old photos, school papers, and explaining things like random little quotes that she writes down, showing her room and how she first painted it BRIGHT pink, then over top of that BRIGHT green, how she dyed her hair pink, used to scratch my beard while watching Spiderman, tells me about her problems after putting her to bed and reading National Geographic, bringing Bobby and Teddy over, making turkey burgers and corn, eating at Noshville, coming back to the paper with me, no more corner market, danon frusion smoothie, trips to cincinnnati, our trip to chicago together when it was 30 below the whole time, skateboarding in the MBA parking lot, tennis at the shelby park community center, what it feels like seeing her after not seeing her for a few days, what it feels like after spending days with her and then her leaving, knowing I wont see her for days, sunday mornings, taking her to school in the morning, the way her hair is parted exactly like mine, when people tell us we look alike, and.......really.......just tons of stuff. Wow. Maybe it would take more than a day to get the point across, but anyway, enough sap. Maddie's great. I love you Mad-dog.
On to the teen years.........
love you too, maddog.
coolest. 13 yeard old. EVER.
(eyes welling....)
Dad made The Mullet cry.
Happy Birthday Maddie! I hope it is fun and full of sugar.
yep. me too. except i just went on and cried. happy belated b-day, maddie!
new dannon frusion smooootheeeeyyyy.
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